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Worcester, MA 01602

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dental exam worcester ma

In brief, a dental exam is an oral and dental evaluation by a qualified dentist. The essence of the exam is not only focused on the state of your teeth but also your oral cavity, throat, gums, and neck. In fact, dental exams are essential for your oral hygiene and overall health.

A dental exam should be carried out by a qualified and professional dentist. The doctor will offer you the recommended advice and solutions to improve your oral health. In addition, the medical practitioner will discuss preventive measures to maintain proper oral hygiene.

During the dental exam, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination of the oral cavity, taking note of the color, shape and general appearance. In addition, the gums are examined to rule out the presence of any disease or abnormalities.

In short, the main objective to examine your teeth. The dentist will examine teeth development, tooth color, plaque, and tartar accumulation. Also, tooth cavities are checked for. Depending on the assessment, the doctor will recommend the necessary dental procedures to correct or manage any ailment or abnormally detected. For example, dental cleanings, tooth extractions, and filling of dental cavities. Also, the dentist may recommend medication to further improve your oral health.

Depending on the nature of the examination, the doctor may need dental x-rays and/or conduct other diagnostic exams. The additional tests will aid with the diagnosis and narrow the best medical approach. Likewise, your medical history will be discussed. This helps to assure the most appropriate treatments are assessed. Additionally, the dentist will advise you on proper oral hygiene which is vital for your general health.

Why is a Dental Exam Important?

A routine dental exam is essential to your general well-being.

  • Detection and prevention of dental diseases and abnormalities
  • Learn more about maintaining proper dental health

Schedule Your Dental Exam

It is highly recommended that every patient maintain their routine dental exams. For instance, proper preventative measures help minimize need dental work in the future. Typically, patients need a dental exam every 6 months. However, their cases when a patient may need to visit the dentist more often. Nonetheless, your initial exam will determine the recommended number of visits.

Please remember that routine dental exams are essential for your oral and general health. Hence, it is necessary to visit your dentist for a dental exam to properly detect, assess, and prevent dental other systemic diseases.

Schedule your dental exam with Worcester Quality Dental. Our office offers a variety of dental procedures to assist all patients. Moreover, our dental team has many years of experience assisting patients of all ages. Improve your oral health with a dental exam today. New and existing patients may call (508) 754-0918. Furthermore, the dental office is located at 715 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01602.  We look forward to meeting you.


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