715 Pleasant Street

Worcester, MA 01602

(508) 754-0918

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Reliable Dental Implants in Worcester, MA

Dental implants play an essential role in maintaining oral hygiene and health. For instance, they support and strengthen the jawbone structure and the surrounding gums. Furthermore, dental implants help in alleviating the discomfort associated with missing teeth. In addition, they restore your chewing capabilities and smile.

At Worcester Quality Dental you’ll notice our office is designed to feel as comfortable as your own home with our welcoming environment, as well as our friendly and experienced staff. We focus on creating a painless and low-stress environment from our exams and cleanings to cosmetic and surgical procedures. We achieve this by using cutting edge technology and digital dentistry.

A dental implant is inserted deep into the jaw bone to maintain or strengthen the bone structure supporting the teeth. The implant is made of titanium which acts as an orthodontic anchor. Essentially, the screw-like implants are artificial tooth roots. In most cases, the dental implants replace one tooth or act as an anchor to a dental prosthesis.

Dental Implant Procedure

In brief, a dental implant procedure depends on the number of missing teeth, your dental health, the position of the teeth and whether there’s a need for a tooth extraction before the procedure.

Just like any other surgical procedure, you will be required to undergo pre-op management, which may include some antibiotic therapy and rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash before.

Though the procedure might be a little bit discomforting, it is usually painless because there is the use of local anesthesia. Typically, implant insertion takes place in two phases, the entire process taking between 6-9 months

1st Phase

  • Numbing the area where the use of local anesthesia will insert the implant. Some dentists might prefer an IV sedation
  • The doctor makes an incision  at the place where the implant is to be added, exposing the bone beneath
  • The dentist uses a specific drill to drive into the bone at the implant’s preferred location.
  • Next, the doctor screws a second component into the implant, which will remain in place during the entire healing process
  • Gums are stitched over the implant closing it
  • The implant is allowed to osseointegrate into bone over a few months

2nd Phase

  • Implant re-exposure, an incision made at the point of the implant.
  • An extension is then placed over the implant to take its impression used in fitting a new crown.
  • Next, the dentist makes a new crown following your tooth and the implant impression over a series of dental appointments.
  • The new crown placed once the dentist is satisfied with the impressions provided for by your teeth and the implant

Moreover, proper care is needed to maintain the dental implant and crown. Simply, brush and floss your teeth as recommended. Also, maintain your dental exams and cleanings.

Learn More

If you are in Worcester, MA and need teeth replacement, visit Worcester Quality Dental.  We’re proud to serve patients in Worcester, Grafton, Auburn, Northboro, Houlden, Shrewsbury and the entire Worcester County.

We have a professional and dedicated team that will help you maintain proper dental health and guide you through the entire process. In addition, we offer a variety of dental solutions to best improve your dental health. Learn more today. 

Call (508) 754-0918 or schedule an appointment online. Also, we happily accept new patients and most insurances. Moreover, our office is located at 715 Pleasant Street Worcester, MA 01602.

Portrait of a smiling mature woman with adult daughter at the park

Specialty Dental Services